Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Set back.... Taking A Risk

Now im not going to lie,
These past couple of weeks ive been haveing a major set back on my gradproject. I was dealing with so much more projects i havent even gone on my blog in a week. But im back!. I just finished my MLA citation so im starting to get on track with things. Hopfully my grade doesnt fall because i semislipped. But on the bright side i think i have an idea of who i want to interview. Like i stated on my previous blogs a relative of mines was in a abusive relationship and it was my mother. She was abused in her first marraige and it took her awhile but she left him. I plan on interviewing on my mom because she wants to speak to teens about self esteem issues and how she felt during the abuse.
Another person who i would like to interview is her abuser.Now i knw that is a big issue but i feel like that would be the perfect closing to my project for people to hear how the abuse is now and how it changed his life. Now i know its going to be hard but for my project im willing to take this chance.

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