Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Did you know?

Did You Know??

*Women just dont get abused in relationships, men do too.

*Women who get involved in abusive relationships usually had an abusive childhood.

* Most women rationalize abuse as a behavior that is "normal"

* Emotional abuse is deflintity deosnt differ when it comes to phsical abuse

*71% of pet- owing women entering women's shelters reported that thier batterer had injured, maimes, killed or threatened family pets for revenge of psychologically control animals.

*Most women get attached to men becuse thier self conscious in themselves

*Most abuse programs are ver confiendtial for women only

*At least 1.8 million women are battered each year in the U.S.

*The suicides of 20% of white women and 50% of black women are preceded by incidents of domestic violence.

* 60% of all married women experience physical violence by their husbands at some time during their marriage.

*60% of battered women are also raped by their husbands.

*90% of battered women report that their children have witnessed the battering.

*More than 50% of the homeless women on the streets left home to escape beatings.

*50 to 80% of the women treated at hospital emergency rooms are there for injuries inflicted by their domestic partners.

*80% of men who batter commit no other crime.

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