Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Just Call it a Come Back!!

Hello Bloggers! sorry that i haven't been on lately but there was a HUGE snow storm and we didnt have school for one week! There was some minor set backs like not going to the Womens Shelter for my action Plan so i couldn't write in my journal. But the snow is over and i am ready to work! I have go to the shelter on Wednesday so i can write in my journal and then try to finish my whole paper by the end of the weekend. Since of the snow storm we have to make up the days so instead of us presenting on March 19 we present on April 7 and 8 which sucks!! But, wehave to finish all of our work by March 19 so wish me luck!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

I Finally Did It!!! Movin on Up!!!!

Well yesterday i finished my interview and it was so interesting... then i first stepped in it was like a hotel for women and there children basically and the little kids were so adorable. I learned alot of information at the interview and i finally got my action plan! i'm going to write a diary about my training hours at the shelter becuase i have to train before volunteering. i didnt think that would be an action plan but mrs.savido said its cool.. im moving on up and im actually excited about it.... Hope all goes well.. O n did i mention that my birthdays next week! lol Keep ya posted!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sucess!!!!! Hopes

So today is a big day for my grad project.. Im finally doing my interview with Mrs.Flemming and im so excited!! .... but nervous =( I hope i do well..... And i also hope that i can video tape the interview.... also i hope i can volunteer there for my action plan so i can write a diary about it.... Now i can start to work on my video stuff after this so im pretty happy that im moving foward in this project.. well wish me luck!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Im Back!

Well, senior year is finally here and its finally my turn to do my grad project and Im feeling very confident and accomplished about my progress so far. I finished my outline and am starting my beginning topic on my literature review, I'm actually organized than i was when i first started last year. Tomorrow me and my mom will be going to meed Mrs.Rhonda Flemming and interview her for my topic. I also want to discuss about volunteering at the shelter for my action plan and making a certain type of diary for my planning. I will also be video taping the interview for my website and power point for my presentation. Everything is going good so far... now all i need to do is update my interview questions because the ones that i did last year just by looking at it looked very immature. So far so good... keep ya updated!