Monday, March 23, 2009

Plans for Project

Over this weeekend I got some ideas for my action planning.
1.Going to interview my mom who was a victim in abuse
2.Going to interview a spokesperson who was interviewed by the pearls group.
3.Going to ask people about different views on abuse. (Family members, friends,school staff.)
4. Also I want to go to a group session for men who are trying to get help from abusing either thier wives or thier girlfriends.

I plan on working on some of the interview during the spring break with m friends camera so hopefully everything works out.

Monday, March 16, 2009

What I have Accomplished Today

What Ive accomplished today is finshing all my notes and creating my citation. Now all I need to do is upload it.,
Tomorrow what i need to accomplish is doing my proposal questionare. Hopefully i get alot done like i did today

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kinda Confused?????

So last week I presented my project to my class and I got alot of adive. Most of them said that they dont think I should interview the person who abused my mom becuase it would be emotional for me in the end, and thinking about i think thier right. Also i talked to my teacher and she feels like the project is only dealing with my feelings on abuse and not the reasearch part of the project and im kind of confused. I think my challenges that I have for this week that i hope to accomplish is working on my notes for the reasearch part. Hopefully by the end of next week I will be more comfortable on my topic.