Friday, January 30, 2009

I Finally Got It!

I just got dont talking to Ms. Ickes about my project and i finally got an essential question! Its going to be, "In abusive relationships, what makes a women stay, and what makes a women leave". Im so happy i got my question becauase with the topic that i have, i can commected it with my other topic like teens in abusive relationships v.s. adults in abusive relationships. I can also view it on men in relationships and women. Now im excited about this project! Now i have to work on my foundation questions......

Alittle Bit of Hope

Talking with Mrs. Savido gave me alittle hope on my project because yesterday i was going to change m whole project. She said that I should talked with either Mr. Kalaida or Ms.Ickes who are consulors and explain to them what i want to focus on when it comes to abuse becuse ive learned over the past week that this topic isnt so easy, there is ALOT of issues on abuse its crazy! You got your abuse in the home, abuse on little children, teen relationship abuse, female or even male abuse its just too much!! My goal for the end of next week is to have a good stand on my project, know what my essential question is and what is my focus is on abuse.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So Confused????

Since I've talked with Mrs.Savido so says that I have a really big topic and i need to figure out how im going to break different issues up. Im confused about my topic now because i found out that domestic violence is broken down into many different issuses in abuse. What I'm having trouble with is finding foundation question to my essential question which is Is there a difference between verbal and physical abuse. I feel like i need to change my essentail question to somethin that both adults and teens can understand like, How is teen abuse different from adult abuse, or How has teen abuse changed over the years.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Project Ideas

I talked with my mom about project ideas and she thinks that i sould do the project on domestic female abuse in how they overcame it. I think this is going to be my topic becuse i already have interviewers that would talk about it with me. I also want to do i discussion with some of my friends to see thier views on female abuse. I dont think i sould do fashion because its like a report, im still debating though.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Other Topics On Senior Project

I have been discussing this project over with my mom and ive come up with another topic that im intertested in and it is female abuse. Someone very close to me was in a abusive relationship and i always wanted to research how women or even teens handel the situation. I think this is a better topic that i can research and get better feedback from people.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Thoughts and Ideas

When I was told that we had to have a graduation project in order to recieve my diploma I was pretty scared because when it comes to projects I put alot of things aside and i get left behind and its never completed, but thank god i have a cousin and alot of friends in the 12th grade who are now finishing thier grad projects. I have talked to my cousin Angela and some other people and they tell me that i should already have a topic in my head so when i start this class I can just start researching. They also told me that I need to be on track because even if i mess up something that i think isnt a big deal it will turn up into a PROBLEM in the end. My cousins experience on her grad project was that at first she had so many ideas and couldnt make up her mind and that held her back on the project alot, but with the help of alot of teachers so got on task and started progressing on her project. The advice that she always gives me is "dont think its over becuase its never is". My other friends in 12th grade tell me that i need to stay on task and everything will run smoothly.Some interest s that i have discussed with some of the 12th graders is fashion. I want to talk abouthow the fashion world has changed over the years. I also want to talk about behind the scences of models because people think that modeling is the perfect job but there are alot of secrets behind it. Another idea that i had was what or who influences teenagers to succeed in highschool. Some concerns about my ideas is that i think what influences teenagers will be kind of hard because i dont know how i would resrearch that.